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  2. Whiz
  3. Maintenance & Troubleshooting

Whiz is not detecting steps

Whiz comes with cliff sensors to ensure it can operate safely around cliffs or steps. If Whiz is not detecting a cliff or ledge, lay the machine down slowly and clean the cliff sensor with a microfiber cloth (see, "Maintaining Sensors"). If this issue persists, reboot the machine using the following steps:

  1. Turn the Whiz power button off.
  2. Remove the main battery from the Machine.
  3. Turn the secondary battery off.
  4. With both power sources off, turn the main power button on and hold down the following 3 buttons for at least 15 seconds.
  5. Turn the Whiz power button off.
  6. Install the main battery and turn the secondary battery on.
  7. Turn the Whiz power button on.